Friday, March 30, 2012

GSA Gathering!

     Today was certainly a busy day for our GSA! Fifteen of our members travelled to L.C.V.I. today to attend a GSA gathering with three of the other GSA’s in our region. There were representatives there from I.E. Weldon, Fenelon Falls, and L.C.V.I. We played games, socialized, and discussed our GSA’s pasts and futures. All in all, it was a great day!

      The first thing we did when we arrived was introduce ourselves. After that, it was on to some rather enjoyable games. Once the food, a delicious bounty of pasta, was all prepared and heated, everyone dug in, and within minutes, not much food was left on the table. I myself managed to eat two helpings, doing my part in reducing leftovers! After the meal was through, we socialized, and played one more game. Then we watched a thought-provoking movie, signalling the end of the gathering.

      All in all, the atmosphere was friendly, and happy. I for one enjoyed myself a lot, and even managed to get a number of email addresses! Mark and Ryot, who had a slap bet going to see who would get the most phone numbers, tied it up, and everyone had a good laugh on the way home as they both slapped each other. We stopped for Timmies, and then were on the way again, making it back to the school around three. To sum it all up, the trip was a lot of fun, and the feedback I got from it was all positive! We’re all looking forward to another one, perhaps one we’ll even host!

      We are also looking forward to the Fearless! conference in Huntsville on May 18th.  We’ll keep you updated.

-Alex K.